Waiting & Afraid
“When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews.” -John 20.19 Secluded. Ears to the door. Eyes peering… (READ MORE)
“When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews.” -John 20.19 Secluded. Ears to the door. Eyes peering… (READ MORE)
It has been a week since I returned from SXSW Interactive and now that I’ve had time to recover and reflect on all this year had to offer, here are my Top 5 takeaways from the week: 1. Experience is… (READ MORE)
During this year’s SXSW Interactive two key ideas that are critical for sustaining a free and democratic society seemed to grow increasingly hazy as the week progressed: privacy and journalism. The modern idea of privacy, understood since the 16th century… (READ MORE)
A few weeks ago the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) re-wrote the rules governing Internet service providers (ISPs) in North America setting off a firestorm among communications corporations and civil libertarians. As you can imagine, many here at SXSW Interactive have… (READ MORE)
One of the highlights of SXSW Interactive is the Trade Show, which always opens (for some bizarre reason) on the third day of the event. When I walked into the massive venue I was struck by the number of international… (READ MORE)
One of the things I love about SXSW Interactive is the way every session is designed to push the boundaries. Sure, the big players are here with their established platforms, apps and products – sentinels of the way things are…. (READ MORE)
The mood at last year’s SXSW Interactive was gloomy (as was the weather). The economy was still in the tank, information security and privacy had been threatened on a broad scale in 2013-2014, and federal regulation appeared to be on… (READ MORE)
I’m kind of addicted to a series of weekend shows: Burn Notice, Criminal Minds and CSI. One of the things I like about these shows is the comeuppance. I know by the 53 minute mark (unless it is a two… (READ MORE)
As I left the final session at SXSW Interactive I ran into a woman who was about my age from San Francisco. She clearly had been crying and was somewhere in the range between panic and shock. SXSWi can have… (READ MORE)
For all of the anticipation surrounding Edward Snowden’s virtual appearance at SXSW Interactive the central theme of the session was simple: Those gathered for SXSWi can create a way forward for an open, private and secure Internet. No further revelations… (READ MORE)